Cash Flow Forecasting
With Quickbooks.

Our financial forecasting software integrates with QuickBooks® to shine the light on critical financial decisions in your small business – even in the stormiest of times.

Cash Flow Management Made Simple.

Cut Through The Fog For Profitability.

Turbocharge your financial data to achieve your P&L and cash flow objectives

Shine the light on critical decision-making points

Evolve your company towards a financial planning and analysis mindset

Every decision is a financial decision, make the right one!


CEO Message:

How The Software Works:


In the News

Fred Parrish, the creator of The Profit Beacon software and co-author of The E-Myth CFO: Why Most Small Businesses Run Out of Money and What to Do About It, has been featured on the news as an expert for various financial subjects.

 Click on the logos below for recent radio & TV interviews with Fred Parrish.

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